A Company is first and foremost a group of men brought together, organized, equipped for joint work. Human Resources within the IBT Company are made up of a group of men, dynamic and concerned with achieving the Company's objectives. The key positions at IBT are:
⇒ General Manager
- The Head of Private Secretary (SP)
⇒ The Director of Administration, Finance and Development (DAFD)
- The Head of the Administration and Human Resources Service (C/SARH)
- The Head of the Finance and Recovery Service (C/SFR)
- The Head of Administrative Secretariat (C/SA)
⇒ The Chief of the Department of Accounting, Audit & Taxation and General Resources, (CD/DCAF)
- The Head of the Accounting and Taxation Service (C/SCF)
- The Head of the Audit, Operations and Project Monitoring Service (C/SASOP)
- The Head of the Logistics and General Resources Service
⇒The Chief of the Department of Buildings & Public Works (CD/BTP)
- The Head of the Service of Studies and Hydraulic Works and Rural Equipment (C/SETHER)
- The Head of the Service of Studies and Civil Engineering Works, Roads & Structures (C/SETGRO)
⇒ The Chef of the Department of Studies in Environment, Natural Resources and Rural Development (CD/ERDR)
- The Head of the Service of Environmental Studies, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (C/SERD)
- The Head of the Rural Development Studies, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Service (C/SEDPD)
Executives and collaborator agents from these Departments and Services, as well as high-level Consultants are also part of the Company's human resources.